Why Having a Fitness Mentor is Important?

Anton Scott
3 min readDec 11, 2020

Everyone no matter what the fitness goal is always has someone they can look up to for guidance. A source of inspiration and wisdom so that they are guided the right way with efficiency. Seeing what it takes to work hard, train smart, and plan correctly to transform yourself is an honor to show that change is happening. We love the notion that improving ourselves with the right people is what gets us growing all the time. They care and look after us no matter the odds. But… there are mentors that will take you to the beach, and then there are mentors that will take you beyond the beach into the oceans to see if you really want it as bad as you say you want something.

These special kinds of mentors do not care how much you say you want it, their way of communication is through how many actions you’re putting yourself into for change. They have standards set to which if you are not willing to reach the heights that they know you can get to then they will hold you accountable. These are the mentors that a lot of people stay away from due to the fact that they will be pushed mentally and spiritually through a rigorous physical regimen. I’ve known people that would try a group session and would never show up again to only see that they either could not manage and went for a softer touch, or they quit trying to reach their goals altogether. No, you should never quit overall when a special mentor is there to push you to the outer galaxies.

You see a lot of people want the fast 30 days route to get a flat stomach and nice legs, and the infamous summer body, but are not willing to have someone that can make them work for it day in and day out to reach these goals. When the right mentor comes and knows what it takes to get there and pushes the individual, they think it’s too much so fast and want to quit. No, you should never quit. The mentor is showing you that there are no shortcuts and no magic potions for physical changes to occur. These are the kind of people you want to take you far in life and it can be a life-changer in terms of your perspective and build a work ethic.

I have mentors that pushed me to the point that I’ve asked myself why am I still doing this program or training. The question is how much do you want to turn an idea and vision you have in your mind into reality. It is more of a mental transmutation, something that alchemist in centuries past practice a lot for turning elements into gold as the legend says. The same principles can apply when it comes to everything else you want to happen including fitness. The fitness mentor shows up and he will ride you out of the norm to get you to where you want to be.

When you have the right person that is experienced and open-minded to pushing his/her body to the next level you stick with that person. They will be very intense when they are helping you out on your fitness journey, and it will be tough and can make you want to quit a lot believe me. But you stick with that person. Why? Because you will be one of the few that will actually accomplish what you want the right way and the majority that don’t like the tough love approach, well they just don’t want it as bad as their thoughts suggested.

Stay Strong, Stay Game!

Originally published at https://amufits.com on December 11, 2020.



Anton Scott

Amufits: Fitness For Knowledge. Promoting growth and awareness to fitness as a way of life! Ideas are timeless. www.amufits.com